Show Time: 8:00p Doors Open: 7:15p
Admission: $15 w/Flyer: $12 Children 12 & Under: $3 …
Legion Member: $7
This show will also be broadcasted LIVE on i-PPV THEIWL.com!
Alcohol will be served to adults 21+ w/ proper ID.
Insane fans, December 21st will be an event to remember. Not only will we “wreck the halls”…..3….But we will also be WRECKING the WORLD! Yes, if are not familiar with the significance of that date, it is the date that the Mayans have predicted that the world will end. Well, if the world is gonna end, then what a better more INSANE way to go out then by doing what we do best! 12.21.12 We return to the American Legion Hall of Chino in what may be the final pro wrestling event EVER! IWL fans, you will not want to miss this!
IWL World Championship
Fatal 4 Way
Johnny Saovi (c) vs. Chris Kadillak vs. Tyler Bateman vs. Bboy
IWL Anarchy Championship
Ray Rosas (c) vs. Drake Younger
IWL Tag Team Championship
The Young Bucks (c) vs. Scorpio Sky & TJ Perkins
Grudge Match
“The Erratic” Justin Ryke vs. “Big Nasty” Eric Watts
Singles Match
Eric Cross vs. Johnny Yuma
Magnum Pro Showcase Match
Ryan Kidd vs. SoCal Crazy
Chris Evans vs. Raze
Tag Team Match
Willie Mack & Famous B vs. Mixtape Kings
Special Pre Show Match @7:30p!
Breakout Battle Royale!
Featuring: Tyler Durken, Steven Andrews, Joseph Knox, Che Cabrera, Riki De La Paz, Simon Lotto, Leo Blaze, Kyle Web, Josh Rozay
Also, the IWL and Justin Ryke have teamed to help out an organization in need. We will be running a toy drive at “Wreck the Halls 3” , with all donations going to the ORANGEWOOD CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION for abandoned and battered children. Come to the IWL show on 12.21.12 and drop off an unwrapped toy, batteries or any other gift you can give. The ages of the kids range from 2-17 so give what you can. One toy can go a long way in making a child happy for Christmas. For more info, visit ORANGEWOODFOUNDATION.COM and JUSTINRYKE.COM. Help these kids have a happy holiday.