
WSX Episode III preview

Last week: Vamprio survived his war with 6-Pac , who was blown to hell in Vampiro’s casket as Vampiro became the first ever Wrestling Society X Champion! Team Dragon Gate…

2/18/07 NWA Pro:AWS Preview!

NWA Pro Wrestling Returns to the Alternative Wrestling Show! Sunday February 18, 2007 19650 E. San Jose Ave. City of Industry, CA 91748 www.alternativewrestlingshow.com SPECIAL BELLTIME: 12:45! Upon reflection of…

WSX Episode 2 preview & Notes

SNEAK PREVIEW OF TUESDAY NIGHT’S EPISODE COMING TONIGHT! Last week, the revolution began in earnest, as Wrestling Society X took you deep underground into the WSX bunker for the quickest,…

January Rankings

The Human Tornado has been named wrestler of the month for January, 2007, and The Human Tornado defeating Joey Ryan in a Guerrila Warfare match to become the new PWG…