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EWF – 20 June 09 – Quick Results

Empire Wrestling Federation ran in San Bernardino, CA on Saturday afternoon, June 20th. The main event saw Brandon Parker defeat EWF American Champion Liger Rivera by disqualification. For complete results,…

Interview With Jon Ian

Jon Ian has been a longtime fixture at many Southern California independent wrestling shows. Over the years he has become the most prominent ring announcer in SoCal, and last year…

AWS event this Sunday!

The AWS/NWA presents “June Gloom” on Sunday June 7th, 2009 @ 4 p.m. The main event will be the AWS tag team champions The LA F’ers (Piloto Suicida and Shamu…

May Rankings

Bryan Danielson has been named wrestler of the month for May 2009, and The Young Bucks defeating Kenny Omega & Chuck Taylor from May 22nd’s PWG show was picked as…