AWS Promotions Lethal Lottery #4 Saturday September 27th 2014 7:00PM American Legion Post 335 9535 California Ave., South Gate Ruby Raze def. Melissa Coates AWS Lightweight Championship Match Famous B def. El Ridiculoso Sasha Darevko def. Willie Mack Jeckles the Jester def. Mickey O’Shea AWS Tag Team Championship Match Rico and Che (subbing for Tito) def. PPRay AWS Ladies Champion Match Hudson Envy def. Leah Von Dutch Mariachi Loco def. SoCal Crazy by DQ when Warthog interfered. Tyler Bateman & Lol Cholo def. Hector Canales & Idris Jackson AWS Heavyweight Championship Match B-Boy def. Sabu
[Results] AWS Lethal Lottery #3 Sept. 27th 2014

one correction, Mariachi Loco had already won the match, then Warthog came in and destroyed Mariachi…