
On My Soapbox

Over on the SoCal UNCENSORED Messageboard, posters are talking about who they would like to see in SoCal. I was scanning the list, and I decided that I’d share my…

Rankings for January 2004

Rankings for January are out, and for the 13th time Super Dragon was named wrestler of the month. Super Dragon and American Dragon teaming to defeat Scott Lost and Joey…

AWS – 31 Jan. 04 – Quick Results

Hardkore Inc. (Hardkore Kidd, Al Katrazz, & “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce) defeated S.B.S. formerly known as Team Chismo (Super Dragon, Excalibur, & Disco Machine) due to interference from Babi Slymm…

UPW Wire 1/29/04

The Wire By Todd Keneley UPW set to unleash an “Overload” of action! The clock is ticking as we get closer and closer to UPW’s 5th Anniversary Spectacular. I may…