
[RESULTS] AOW LIVE September 25th 2014

AOW Sol Restraunt September 25th 2014 Coachella, Ca “Golden Heart” Drake fortune def Los Lucha Azules via submission Dirk-ness Tucker def Mike Krueger by way of the “Two Buck” chuck…

[RESULTS] AOW LIVE September 11th 2014

AOW Sol Restaurant September 11th 2014 Coachella, Ca 1. Ryan J. Morals def “The High Flying Sensation” Steven Andrews after a mishap distraction from the time keeper. During the confusion…

[RESULTS] UIPW Sept 7th 2014

UIPW 818 Boxing Club September 7th 2014 Pocoima, Ca Potro Romano and Pequeo Shamu def Crazy Love and Classicus Shadow. Golden Scorpion and Pantera Azteca def Hector Canales and Principe…

[RESULTS] EWF Sept 5th 2014

EWF Knights of Columbus hall Sept 5th 2014 Covina, Ca “Top Shelf” Jeremy Jaeger def “The Overnight Celebrity” RJ Ruiz “Ironman” Mike Maze def Brute Baretto “Mega King” Thomas the…


Santino Bros September 5th 2014 Bell Gardens, Ca Santino Bros. Championship Match: Robby Phoenix (C) defeated Willie Mack Submission Championship Match: Tyler Bateman (C) vs Famous B vs Bad Dude…

[Results] MWF Aug 30th

MWF East LA Community Youth Center Aug 30th 2014 Los Angeles, Ca Bobby Rios def Eil Everfly EL LOBO def CONDE MALDITO “THE Hardcore Enforcer” Mr. California def TRANSFORMERS SEMI…