
[Results] Hope Indy Pro on July 15 2016

Lucha Libre Mexicana Hope Indy Pro UEW AUDITORIUM July 15th 2016 East Los Angeles, CA Biggie Biggz & “Jungle Boy” Nate Coy def Crescenzo & “Sour” Donnie Suarez “Rocket Boy”…

[Results] UEW vs UIPW on July 9th 2016

UEW vs UIPW UEW AUDITORIUM July 9th 2016 East Los Angeles, CA “Rocketboy” Dmarco Wilson def “The Hardcore Kamikaze” Maxx X UEW I-TV Championship: Human Tornado def Bobby Venom to…

MPW – 08 July 2016 – Results

“Hellkid” Johnny Lords defeated Master Flame in the main event of MPW’s July 8th show to retain the MPW heavyweight title. Click for complete results.

[Results] EWF on July 1st 2016

“Uptown” Andy Brown defeated Misterioso Jr. in the main event of July 1st’s EWF show in Covina. Also on the show Scorpio Sky defeated Adrian Quest. Click for complete results.