
AWS: News and Notes Apr 22nd

“APRILS EVERYONE’S FOOL” April 26th, 2014 American legion post #335 9535 California Ave. South gate,ca. 90280 Doors open at 6:30 pm/bell time is 7:00 p.m. This saturday night we are…

[RESULTS] UIPW April 13th 2014

UIPW Boys & Girls Club April 13th 2014 Los Angeles, ca Freddy Hellmuth and Luis Tapia def Ely Everfly and Hector Canales Amazing Jr def Bobby V. by DQ Super…

New CWFH Tag Champs…

Peter Avalon announce the bad news that Ray Rosas was injured and was receiving knee surgery therefore they would not be able to defend their Tag Team Championship. the titles…

[RESULTS] EWF April 5th 2014

EWF VFW Post #8737 April 5th 2014 San Bernardino, ca “Ironman” Mike Maze def Uday Ukleja Patient Zero def “The Rattle from Seattle” Eddie Matson RJ Ruiz def Jacob Tarasso…

Congratulations to Drake Younger would like to send its congratulations to “The Pyscho Shooter” Drake Younger as he & his family welcomed the birth of their child late last night. Congratulations on the…