Recently, Championship Wrestling from Hollywood announced a partnership with China’s Middle Kingdom Wrestling and that Dicky Mayer would be heading to China in a talent exchange. I had a chance to talk with Dicky Mayer before he heads to China, and we talked about everything from his start in wrestling, his tours in Japan, how running into Kenny Omega in a train station prepared him for an ironman match, and more.
Steve: I’ll start at the beginning, what made you decide you wanted to be a pro-wrestler?
Dicky Mayer: I think I just needed something new. I always loved and admired wrestling growing up watching it. I just felt I needed something different in my life.
Steve: Did you do any amateur wrestling or MMA before you got into pro-wrestling?
Dicky Mayer: I did not. Some karate as a kid but nothing I really dove into before wrestling.
Looking back I wish I would have.
Steve: How did you find out about The School of Hard Knocks and what made you choose it for your training?
Dicky Mayer: The internet. Unfortunately, I didn’t do as much research on schools as I maybe should have but Jesse’s [Hernandez] seemed like something reasonable when it came to training hours, tuition, and distance and it turned out to be a great fit for me.
Steve: How long did you train before you made your debut?
Dicky Mayer: I trained pretty much weekly for about 6 or 7 months.
Steve: Who did you have your first match with?
Dicky Mayer: Myself (as Archimedes) and Friar Juan Roman versus Andy Brown in a two-on-one.
Steve: You started wrestling for Championship Wrestling from Hollywood in 2016, how did you first get in contact with them?
Dicky Mayer: As far as I know it was through Ryan Taylor mentioning me to the office at the time, and if that’s the case I’m grateful for that. He’s always been very supportive of my time in wrestling.

Steve: In the summer of 2017, you went to Japan for several months to train and wrestle at Kaientai Dojo. How did that come about?
Dicky Mayer: It was through reconnecting with Marty Elias. He used to be at some of my earliest training sessions. Marty was a part of a faction at EWF at the time I first joined the company but soon moved on to Lucha Underground. A few years later, he saw one of my matches and kind of threw the opportunity my way and I just took him up on it. Everything happens for a reason.
Steve: How was your experience wrestling in Japan?
Dicky Mayer: It was one of the most challenging things I had ever done, but also the most rewarding. I am very proud of the both tours I spent in Japan. I wouldn’t be the wrestler I am today if hadn’t had the courage to face my fears and step out of my comfort zone. JAPAN IS A-1.
Steve: You got to wrestle Taka Michinoku in a singles match and wrestle on his 25th anniversary show in Korakuen Hall. What was that like?
Dicky Mayer: Humbling. Taka is one of the coolest people in the world to me. I could never thank him enough for all of the opportunity. Being able to perform on his anniversary show was an honor for me. I never imagined I would be able to be a part of something so spectacular. I was able to meet a lot of Japan’s top tier wrestlers on that show and get great feedback. It was all really inspiring.
Steve: After your first tour in Japan, you did an iron match with Ryan Kidd that unfortunately a lot of people haven’t had the chance to see. I was there live and thought it was really well done. I’m guessing that was a first for both of you? What was your process in putting that together?
Dicky Mayer: That match will always be special to me because I had first learned of the match while I was still in Japan. So in a lot of ways I was training for that match while over there. I was a bit stressed because I wanted to have a great match and hit a homerun so I was very lucky to run into Kenny Omega at a train station in Japan after meeting him a few years back when I was on PWG ring crew, and I figured since he was having long matches at the highest he would be the perfect person to try and talk to. He was able to give me advice that still to this day changed my style or reinforced things that my other trainers taught me and planning that match was the least stressed I had ever felt going into a match.
We focused on the falls, the match changing moments, and everything in between was loosely related on the story we were trying to tell. It all felt organic and it is one of my proudest moments in wrestling even if didn’t reach the masses so to speak.
Steve: Last year you went back to Kaientai Dojo in Japan again. Having been there before, how was the experience different than the first time?
Dicky Mayer: It was great reconnecting with the dojo members and meeting the new students and roster members. I felt a bit more confident and more familiar with where I was. I was coming off of injury so it was good to be back in such an inspiring place. Back to where it started, you know? I felt I made the most of my time and opportunities this last tour.
Steve: I’ve seen Taka Michinoku and Jushin Thunder Liger really put you over publicly as well. What has that type of support from genuine legends in wrestling meant to you?
Dicky Mayer: It means everything. All that is still so wild to me. It’s definitely humbling because I look up to those guys so much. I have to prove them right, you know?

Steve: This year you are heading to China as part of CWFH and China’s Middle Kingdom Wrestling’s newly announced partnership. How did that come about?
Dicky Mayer: Since day one, Championship Wrestling from Hollywood has always been one of the main driving forces behind me. I’ve been able to really grow from their opportunities the past few years.
The whole thing is humbling and it motivates me because I feel the company believes that I can make a difference through years of seeing my growth as a performer.
Steve: As part of your tour with MKW, you’ll be doing some training as well. What kind of role will you have there? Is it more teaching American style to experienced wrestlers, or do you expect to work with people who are still trainees?
Dicky Mayer: I do expect I’ll be wrestling matches, but my role by design will be more of a coaching role. The fundamentals of professional wrestling that can be adapted to a television audience.
Steve: What are you hoping to come away with from spending several months in China?
Dicky Mayer: A fresh perspective. I’m always excited to get back out there and see new places. I feel like this a challenge but I’ve always challenged myself and I’m very confident in my ability and in the teachings of my trainers and mentors.
Steve: What are your goals in wrestling? Do you ever see yourself in something like WWE?
Dicky Mayer: I just plan to keep building my resume. I try to get all the lavish thoughts out of my head. I know that if keep working hard I can end up anywhere.
Steve: Final question, if you could face any living, active wrestler who would you pick?
Dicky Mayer: Liger.
Steve: Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions. Good luck in China.
Dicky Mayer: Thank you.
You can follow Dicky Mayer on Twitter at @TheDickyMayer and Instagram at @dickymayer to keep up with his career and upcoming travels in China. He can also be seen him on the weekly broadcasts of Championship Wrestling from Hollywood.