I will not waste your time and proclaim that I hate hardcore wrestling. It has its place in the business. However, the results are something that can no longer be ignored. This brand of wrestling has been known and practiced for years and the results are evident. The legendary Mick Foley is in his late 30’s and the style he revolutionized is what put him on the shelf. Does anyone really care to see Abdullah The Butcher in the ring? He knows how to bleed, so what? Guys in XPW and CZW(a horrible fed, nothing but crap and no actual wrestling) must take a look at the future.Will their bodies be able to withstand more years of physical torture? Guys such as Homeless Jimmy,Vic Grimes, and others need to ask themselves, “Is it worth it to for me to risk serious, perhaps permanent injury?” If the answer is no, then modifying their style (even if only a little bit) is their best bet. Fans such as myself want to see someone prosper and not be in physical agony. The future of wrestling relies on those who take care of themselves TODAY.
——The preceeding was done by Doron D.