
[Results] SoCal Pro May 18th 2013

SoCal Pro Wrestling May 18th 2013 Boys and Girls Club Oceanside, CA “Radiant” Jason Redondo defeated Rene Bustamante (fka Kid Caramba) “Lovin’” Nick Lovin, Joey “The Bone” Barone & Sebastian Cruz…

Sami Callihan WWE bound?

Rumors have been circulating for more than a few weeks that Sami Callihan was heading to the WWE. Those rumors have been addressed recently when Callihan had to call off…

R.I.P. FMLL Promotor Rocky Roman

This morning it has been announced on various Social Media sites, FMLL Promoter, Rocky Roman has passed away, he was battling some illnesses for awhile.  Concerns regarding Rocky’s health were…

[Results] MAGNUM Pro 05-10-2013

MAGNUM Pro Wrestling Super Happy Fun Time Death Machine May 10th 2013 Escondido Sports & Fitness Escondido, CA SoCal Crazy went to a no contest with Che Cabrera after Tyler…

[Results] EWF 17th Anniversary May 3rd

Empire Wrestling Federation 17th Anniversary Show Night 1 May 3rd 2013 Knights of Columbus Hall Covina, CA Tarasso defeated Seville the Thrill Scorpio Sky defeated Ironman Mike Maze Mask vs…