
Frankie Kazarian interview

“The Future” Frankie Kazarian interview by Joshua Shibata  “The Future” Frankie Kazarian: The “Future” discusses his start with Killer Kolwaski, his favorite opponents and matches, and his favorite movie. JS: Well I…

High Impact interview

High Impact interview by Joshua Shibata  High Impact (Andy Van Dam and the Prodigy): The boys of High Impact discuss about how they started, their working relationship, an incident where they wrestled…

King Faviano Interview

King Favi himself, discussed about his days starting with Cincinnati Red and Samoa Joe, his big (and last) shot with UPW and his thoughts on backyard wrestling. Josh Shibata: Here I am…

Logan X Interview

To Paul Ventimiglia, there are two sides. One is Logan X, a young kid who loves to wrestle, and the other is Paul V., a wrestling fan who decided to…

Cincinnati Red Interview

Cincinnati Red – Interview by Mr. Hill  Who made wrestling in SoCal what it is today? Obviously, the Ballard Brothers, Chris Daniels, Hardkore Kid, Jesse Hernandez, Bill Anderson, etc. come…

Jimmy Kennedy Interview

James Kloetzke (Jimmy Kennedy) is a referee. At the age of 16, he broke into wresting in Wisconsin. He’s not a big superstar, a technical god, or an up and…