Game Changer Wrestling – 17 August 2024 – Results

Mance Warner defeated Frankie Kazarian to retain the GCW Championship in the main event of GCW No Signal In The Hills 4 at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Los Angeles.

Game Changer Wrestling
GCW No Signal In The Hills 4
August 17, 2024
Ukrainian Cultural Center
Los Angeles, CA

Broski Jimmy Lloyd over Mr. Danger in 4:35

Sidney Akeem over Rich Swann in 9:11

Dark Sheik & Vipress over CPF (Danny Black & Joe Lando in 10:18

Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Los Macizos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo) over Los Desperados (Arez, Gringo Loco & Jack Cartwheel in 14:34

1 Called Manders over Jordan Cruz in 9:25

Starboy Charlie over Marcus Mathers in 12:47

Blake Christian defeats Megan Bayne in 17:38

Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku) over The Wolf Zaddies (Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera in 8:55 to retain the GCW Tag Team Championship

Mance Warner vs. Rob Shit for the GCW Championship ends in a No Contest in 3:47

Mancer Warner over Frankie Kazarian to retain the GCW Championship in 19:53

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The authority on wrestling and MMA in Southern California since 2001.

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