The new Epic Pro Wrestling released a statement today giving an update on their debut event, stating it is now scheduled for August. The debut was originally scheduled to debut on May 21, but the date was pushed back so it wouldn’t compete with a GCW event that same night.
After GCW announced their event in May, Epic Pro pushed back their debut to June 11. Now, due to venue issues, the date has been moved to sometime in August.
Here is the full statement from Epic Pro’s Andrew Pessina:
Hey everyone. I said I was going to make an announcement around this time, so here’s what’s going on.
Earlier this week, the venue I was working with informed me that they can’t make a full commitment to booking their space because of delays to their renovation project caused by the current global supply chain crisis. During my conversation with the venue, they explained that they don’t feel comfortable renting their space out until the project is completed because they’re worried about further delays that could end up causing issues for Epic Pro’s debut event as well as other events at their space. While Epic Pro’s debut won’t happen there, future shows will take place at that venue once it’s ready to go.
As far as Epic Pro’s debut show, it was going to take place on June 11. However, most of the venues I contacted are booked for that date, and the available ones are out of my price range. Because of all that, I decided to reschedule Epic Pro’s debut.
With that said, Epic Pro’s debut will happen in August. A date is set and a venue will (hopefully) be confirmed next week. Once the venue is confirmed, announcements will be made.
-Andrew Pesina, Epic Pro Wrestling