August 21, 2011 After this past weekend its obvious if it wasn’t before Famous B has swag. One of the more popular terms nowadays for youngsters across America meaning cool, hip, in. Swag can also represent how you carry yourself as many rappers have swag the way they walk, talk, and floss there many possessions such as money, homes, cars, and jewelry. Speaking of jewelry Professional Wrestler Famous B seems to be racking up a lot of jewelry of his own by adding the IWL Anarchy Championship to his already Dungeon Championship Wrestling and Pro Wrestling Revolution’s respected title reigns that‘s swag. In addition to becoming a fourth title holder in the last three months Famous B was also on hand performing at West Coast Wrestling Company as he took on So Cal Crazy and Vintage Dragon in a triple threat match to determine who would advance to the finals in a race for the vacant Wildcard Championship. It was a faced paced match up that was nothing short of spectacular. All three men put it all on the line. By the end of the match Famous B would prevail and move on to meet Brandon Gatson in the finals next month. An incredible weekend for Famous B. There is no doubt that in addition to Famous B killing the So Cal scene right now Famous B has swag.
Famous B Has Swag!!!